Each quarter, the Community Relations Council (CRC) provides a Shared Learning Forum to help develop key skills and techniques for our core funded groups. Our groups meet up to share experiences, as well as learn from each other. This is an important element of our Shared Learning Forum – the exchange of ideas and skills.
The video was shown on NvTv as part of their Round-Up programme.
Google Digital Garage

At a recent Shared Learning Forum, we were delighted to welcome Google Digital Garage, who delivered practical training on developing a social media strategy and writing for social media. This was an excellent opportunity for our groups to get expert advice and support from Google, and have the opportunity to follow up for one to one sessions too.
Google Digital Garage presented two courses:
- Social Media Strategy
- Writing for Social Media.
Google presented to a full house of people eager to discover new ways to community their stories through social media.
Online Shared Learning Forum

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, CRC hosted a Zoom seminar for 50 people on the 22 May 2020 for all our Core Funded and North Belfast Strategic Good Relations Programme groups to explore opportunities to connect and share ideas. We also explored new ways of working to address the challenges faced during the Coronavirus pandemic, and how to promote Good Relations work online.
The Shared Learning Forum was an opportunity to hear from some of the groups and how they have managed to bring their Good Relations work online. The examples demonstrated how using online technology can be part of their work, building relationships and communicating with one another.