Core Fund Most Frequently Asked Questions

On this page you will find some of the most frequently asked questions about the Core Fund Scheme.

Q1 Does the application need to cover traditional groups, eg, PUL and CNR alongside other identities or can other identities be stand-alone pieces of work?

The core focus of the fund must be on addressing sectarianism between the two main traditions in Northern Ireland: Catholic, Nationalist and Republican (CNR); and Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist (PUL). CRC acknowledges that within these communities other identities could be impacted by sectarianism, and, while some of this work could be included, the assessment of all applications received will look for how any award will enable the group to engage in work that addresses sectarianism.


Q2 Is there a table showing Core Areas, ie Related Themes and Outcomes?

Yes, these documents are linked at the top of the workplan pages. We advise all applicants to print these out as an aid in completing their workplans.


Q3 Do you fund Rural Groups who are maybe not looking for a large salary?

A group does not need to be requesting a large salary to be funded. However, we don’t fund project work through this scheme. The Small Grant Schemes – Community Relations/Cultural Diversity may be more beneficial as project work is funded through this scheme.


Q4 Given the political turmoil people with disabilities are having serious problems with paramilitarism and there is increasing division within this community, would the core fund be able to assist?

CRC recognise that there are both inter and intra community relations issues that impact on sections of the community in which this is taking place. In any application groups should make it clear as to what these issues are and the impact(s) for the community or sections of. It may be that at that local level the capacity to deal with what is being experienced could be limited. In such cases engagement with other communities from different parts of Northern Ireland who are facing the same types of challenges could be helpful in terms of gaining new insights as to potential actions that might address these types of issues and influence particularly on the most vulnerable people within communities. While the Core Fund will not support project work, it may be possible to access such funding through the CR/CD Small Grants Scheme.


Q5 Can National organisations apply, given that we work with Hate Crime in Northern Ireland?

Yes, if there is a regional office that is legally registered in Northern Ireland.


Q6 In the workplans – on the who are you working with, if you don’t have a named group how is this information captured?

If you are not working with a specific organisation, then give an idea of the groups of people you are working with, ie young people, women’s groups, etc, and add in the postcode where this work is taking place.


Q7 Will the slides discussed at the beginning be shared?

Yes, they will be on the website.


Q8 Is there a % allowance for identified running costs?

The running costs will need to be proportionate and realistic to the costings you are looking for, ie in relation to the number of staff and salaries that CRC could potentially be funding.


Q9 Match Funding – if we have never had a successful application, is there any point in applying?

CRC bring new groups on each year to the core funding scheme. We absolutely encourage new groups to apply. The assessment is carried out on the quality of the application and scored individually based on the answers given.


Q10 What is the difference between Audited Accounts and Management Accounts?

Audited Accounts are the yearly accounts that have been completed for each financial year and are presented at the AGM of the Management Committee or Board and then provided to Charities Commission NI and/or Companies House.

Management Accounts are usually the most up to date accounts that are presented to every board meeting giving the current financial status of the organisation and are usually more detailed.