The Corrymeela Community in partnership with Healing Through Remembering, St John’s Parish Belfast, Wave Trauma Centre, and the Belfast Cathedral is holding an annual Service of Reflection in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast.
The service takes place on Friday 21 June 2024 from 11.30 AM to 12:30 PM in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast.
The service is part of the Day of Reflection held on the 21st of June each year, across many communities, as an opportunity to acknowledge the deep hurt and pain caused by the conflict in and about Northern Ireland. The Day of Reflection was established by Healing Through Remembering in 2007 and held on the longest day of the year. Using the biblical practice of lament, Church leaders stand with victims and survivors in marking our collective hurt and in committing ourselves to ensuring we do not return to the violence of the past.
This event is supported by the Commission for Victims and Survivors, and resourced by the Community Relations Council and the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Find out more about the Day of Reflection here: https://www.corrymeela.org/events/214/service-for-the-day-of