Multi Ethnic Sports and Cultures – March Events

Event date(s): -
multi-cultural people together | NI CRC

The Multi Ethnic Sports and Cultures (MSCNI) is a registered charity organisation that promotes Culture Diversity and racial harmony through sporting and cultural activities within BME and ethnic minority communities.

They are delivering several events throughout March 2020.

Multi Ethnic Table Tennis League

1 March 2020 (for 5 weeks)

All men and women from BME communities and other communities are welcome to register for the weekly Sunday table tennis league.

Multi-Ethnic women's friendship sports and cultural festival

Sunday 7 March 2020

11am – 4pm

This one-day festival will provide a sports platforms for BME women and children to engage in physical activities with the aim to promote healthy lifestyle, friendship, community cohesion and sports excellence.

7-aside Transcultural Friendship Cup

22 March 2020


A day tournament between BME and other local communities


Attend the Events

To attend any of these events, contact

Read more about Multi Ethnic Sports and Cultures