Job Opportunity | Community Relations in Schools (CRIS) seeks Good Relations Practitioner

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word art illustration job opportunities | NICRC

"We want a hope-filled future for our children so that they don't have the same experiences we had growing up"

This is a common remark from parents that Community Relations in Schools (CRIS) hear in their peacebuilding activities and, for this reason, CRIS is eager and inspired to find a Good Relations Practitioner to join their team in the 'Everyday Peacebuilding' programme building networks of peace across Ardoyne and Shankill communities. 

CRIS has had a visible presence and built strong foundations spanning 20+ years in these communities where they have consistently found passion, appetite and support for peacebuilding work at the everyday grassroots level with families and schools across the interface.  

The role of Good Relations Practitioner will be at a Senior level within the organisation and link with their ongoing school-based peacebuilding in this locality and will work not only with parents, but pupils, teachers and School leaders in North Belfast schools.  

Application deadline: Tuesday 22 November at 5 PM.

Apply here: