DCCP Engagement

The DiverseCity Community Partnership member organisations (Dog Ears, Extern, Foyle Women's Information Network, Holywell Consultancy, Holywell Trust, The Junction, North West Community Network, Towards Understanding & Healing and, REACH Across) have come together to engage with the local community to inform our work over the coming years. Our future work will be informed you. We want to make sure that we are addressing local needs and will be working together over the coming months to engage each of our organisation’s own clients and the public on areas of work that we should focus on.

We will be using a range of engagement techniques including interviews, surveys, focus groups, social cafe and specific engagement carried out by each organisation.

Our next Social Cafe is on 14th June at 4pm in Holywell - DiverseCity Community Partnership,
10-12 Bishop Street. Good coffee and buns available!

The survey has a few general questions but mostly relates to the future work of our partnership and should take 10-15 minutes to complete. https://holywelltrust.typeform.com/to/OuRCKM

Thanks in advance for taking the time to help us shape our future services.